SAP Predictive Analytics incorporates two different approaches for carrying out predictive modelling
- Automated Analytics: A highly automated framework that enables non-Data-Scientists to quickly create powerful models without deep statistical expertise. This functionality was formerly known as SAP InfiniteInsight.
- Expert Analytics: A graphical workbench for expert users to design specific analytical workflows. This functionality was formerly known as SAP Predictive Analysis.
This website gives an overview on how to extend the "Expert Analytics" functionality. Power Users can extend and customise the functionality of the *Expert Analytics"-mode by adding their own R-Scripts. The logic is encapsulated in so called “Custom R Components”, which casual users can easily work with without having to have any R skills.
This page is pointing to a number of documents that help create such components. It is also linking to various components that have been published on the web and that can be quickly implemented.
Please note however, that the code on these pages is not supported by SAP and that it is provided without any warranty.