Hi all,
I want to install APL on our SAP HANA SPS10 (version in AWS. I followed the APL installation instructions as described in the APL Reference Guide.
First, I downloaded the APL from the software download center, choosing SAPPAAPL2004P_101-80000819.TGZ because this is for SPS10+. The installation on our linux machine seems fine, the output looks like this:
Checking installation...
Preparing package 'sap_afl_sdk_apl'...
Installing Automated Predictive Library to /hana/shared/HDB/exe/linuxx86_64/plugins/sap_afl_sdk_apl_2.
Installing package 'sap_afl_sdk_apl'...
Installation done
In the reference guide it says that the HANA database is restarted during the APL installation. Since the installation only took 10 seconds in total, a restart obviously didn't happen. Also, I still cannot find the roles AFL__SYS_AFL_APL_AREA_EXECUTE and AFL__SYS_AFL_APL_AREA_EXECUTE_WITH_GRANT_OPTION on our system. The log file does seem normal, but there are these two lines included saying something went wrong:
Plugin Automated Predictive Library is not compatible with SAP HANA Database and will not be activated
Server version not compatible with plugin, skipping activation of plugin
What did I do wrong? Where can I find the correct version for our HANA SPS10?
And why does the console report a successful installation, though something went wrong?
I attached the complete log file in case you need this for further analysis.
Thanks and kind regards,