Hi all,
I'm opening this discussion after reading tons of SAP information during whole day about the Hana wrapper issues, unfortunately I did'nt succeed to use Hana models from Predictive analysis expert.
Here is my screencap :
I tried :
- Granting access to the AFL_WRAPPER_GENERATOR and AFLPM_CREATOR to my user.
- Changing my table datatypes to Double and re importing all data
- Inserting an ID column (type integer)
- Restarting the whole process with a SYSTEM user
- Starting an instance of a scriptserver on the host
Here is an extract of my log file :
2015/11/13 17:43:04.877000|>>|S| | 9728| 38|{|||||||||||||||execute
at com.sap.pa.core.service.impl.RepositoryConnectionPool.getConnection(RepositoryConnectionPool.java:64): TraceLog Message 0
2015/11/13 17:43:04.894000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||[com.sap.pa.core.service.impl.RepositoryConnectionPool]RepositoryConnectionPool:com.sap.pa.common.RepoCredentialsImpl@3f04416f: Getting existing RepoConnection no:1
2015/11/13 17:43:04.894000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Starting chain execution getComponentScript
2015/11/13 17:43:04.898000|>>|E| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Cannot find the resource:com.sap.pa.components.params.resources.Algorithms_Descriptors_messages
2015/11/13 17:43:04.898000|>>|E| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Cannot find the resource:com.sap.pa.components.params.resources.Algorithms_Properties_messages
2015/11/13 17:43:04.898000|>>|E| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Cannot find the resource:com.sap.pa.components.params.resources.Algorithms_messages
2015/11/13 17:43:05.012000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Executing inDbSql:
2015/11/13 17:43:05.012000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||CREATE COLUMN TABLE "SYSTEM"."PAS7_2_PDATA_PREDICT" ("ID" INT,"TYPENAME" VARCHAR(100),"DIRECTION" VARCHAR(100));
2015/11/13 17:43:05.086000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Executing inDbSql:
2015/11/13 17:43:05.086000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||INSERT INTO "SYSTEM"."PAS7_2_PDATA_PREDICT" VALUES (?,?,?);
2015/11/13 17:43:05.160000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Executing inDbSql:
2015/11/13 17:43:05.160000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||CREATE COLUMN TABLE "SYSTEM"."PAS7_2_CONTROL_TAB_PREDICT" ("Name" VARCHAR (50),"intArgs" INTEGER,"doubleArgs" DOUBLE,"strArgs" VARCHAR (100));
2015/11/13 17:43:06.137000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Executing inDbSql:
2015/11/13 17:43:06.137000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||INSERT INTO "SYSTEM"."PAS7_2_CONTROL_TAB_PREDICT" VALUES (?,?,?,?);
2015/11/13 17:43:13.935000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Executing inDbSql:
2015/11/13 17:43:13.935000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||SET SCHEMA "SYSTEM";
2015/11/13 17:43:14.307000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Executing inDbSql:
2015/11/13 17:43:14.307000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||CREATE TYPE AUT_PAS7_2_TYPE AS TABLE ("row_id" INT , "Year" INTEGER ,"Month" INTEGER ,"annee" INTEGER ,"courseuro" DOUBLE ,"PredictedValues" DOUBLE , "__Summary__" NCLOB , "__VizInfo__" NCLOB );
2015/11/13 17:43:14.382000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Executing inDbSql:
2015/11/13 17:43:14.383000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||CREATE TYPE PAS7_2_PAL_DATA_T AS TABLE("__ID__" INTEGER , "courseuro" DOUBLE );
2015/11/13 17:43:14.463000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Executing inDbSql:
2015/11/13 17:43:14.463000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||CREATE TYPE PAS7_2_PAL_CONTROL_T AS TABLE("Name" VARCHAR (50),"intArgs" INTEGER,"doubleArgs" DOUBLE,"strArgs" VARCHAR(100));
2015/11/13 17:43:14.539000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Executing inDbSql:
2015/11/13 17:43:14.540000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||CREATE TYPE PAS7_2_PAL_RESULT_T AS TABLE("TIME" INTEGER,"PredictedValues" Double);
2015/11/13 17:43:16.716000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Executing inDbSql:
2015/11/13 17:43:16.716000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||CREATE TYPE PAS7_2_PAL_SUMMARY_T AS TABLE("Summary" NVARCHAR(5000));
2015/11/13 17:43:16.786000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Executing inDbSql:
2015/11/13 17:43:16.786000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||call SYSTEM.afl_wrapper_generator('SYSTEM_PAS7_2_DOUBLESMOOTH','AFLPAL','DOUBLESMOOTH',PAS7_2_PDATA_PREDICT);
2015/11/13 17:43:17.245000|>>|E| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||error executing scriptSAP DBTech JDBC: [423]: AFL error: [423] "SYSTEM"."AFL_WRAPPER_GENERATOR": line 34 col 1 (at pos 1472): [423] (range 3) AFL error exception: AFL error: [423] "SYSTEM"."AFLPM_CREATOR": line 10 col 5 (at pos 193): [423] (range 3) AFL error exception: AFL error: registration finished with errors, see indexserver trace
2015/11/13 17:43:17.249000|>>|E| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Error while getting Folder Location
2015/11/13 17:43:17.259000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||Completed chain execution getComponentScript: 12365 milliseconds
at com.sap.pa.core.service.impl.ConnectionsHandleImpl.releaseRepositoryConnection(ConnectionsHandleImpl.java:101): TraceLog Message 0
2015/11/13 17:43:17.433000|>>|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||[com.sap.pa.core.service.impl.ConnectionsHandleImpl]Releasing repository connection for execution a2150b2f-edbb-4f62-8660-5717b0e8cb49
at com.sap.pa.hiloadapter.internal.ServerExecuteComponent.execute(ServerExecuteComponent.java:240): TraceLog Message 0
2015/11/13 17:43:17.434000|>>|E| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||[com.sap.pa.hiloadapter.internal.ServerExecuteComponent]Error executing using connection:SAP DBTech JDBC: [259] (at 219): invalid table name: Could not find table/view AUT_PAS7_2_RV in schema SYSTEM: line 1 col 220 (at pos 219)
2015/11/13 17:43:17.436000|>>|S| | 9728| 38|}|||||||||||||||execute: 12.559
2015/11/13 17:43:17.437000|==|S| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||[com.sap.hilo.pa.backend.PATransformCommandProcessor]Clearing QueryResult and ResultSet cache as the component results may have changed
2015/11/13 17:43:17.438000|>>|E| | 9728| 38| |||||||||||||||[Error while executing the chain]
Can someone help me with this issue?
Thank you very much for your help.